
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tasty Tuesday-Paleo Greek Chicken

First, I have to brag on myself. I did something today that was on my "2013 Goal List" but honestly, between us, I really didn't think I would get there before the end of the year and if my calculations (and the googles) are correct I did it with 196 days left! :)

There was such a mental block in my mind against box jumps. I was so afraid I was going to hit my shins and fall over. I had no idea how high I could jump. So, after my WOD was over I saw a little girl at Crossfit Kids doing box jumps and figured, "Wow, if she can do it, why can't I?" (She has no inhibitions or fear, because kids don't and that's great... and is the daughter of one of the COOLEST ladies I know at Crossfit.) 

So, I pulled a 12 inch box out and tried to psych myself out to do it and I just kept stepping up or stopping or jumping one foot at a time. But, with everybody cheering me on and offering to hold my hand, I finally decided I had to do it for myself and get it over with so I would either get it done or have an eternal fear of box jumps. :) 

This is a video of the 3rd time I did it, the first time was finished with much cheering. I absolutely love my Crossfit family. They truly are the best. I can't believe the amazing support I find there no matter which class I go to, whether I know people in the class or not. It's phenomenal! 

Now, for Tasty Tuesday!

Today I have for you: Greek Chicken and Dairy Free Avocado Tzatziki Sauce!

Do you have to make it dairy free? Of course not. But, me being lactose intolerant gives me no other option. But, I'm telling you it's DELISH! 


1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast sliced into bite size (or a little bigger) chunks
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried rosemary
2 Tbsp olive oil

Tzatziki Sauce: 
1 avocado, pitted
1/2 cup plain So Delicious brand greek style yogurt
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp black pepper 
1 Tbsp lemon juice 
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp oregano


-In a blender, add avocado, greek yogurt for tzatziki sauce and blend until smooth. Add remaining ingredients for sauce and blend again. 
-Put in a covered bowl and refrigerate until ready to eat.
-Take a gallon sized bag and add all of your chicken and chicken ingredients zip and shake. 
-You can use metal skewers or bamboo skewers and add chicken evenly spaced and grill about 5 minutes per side. 
-Serve chicken hot and sauce cold. 


I'm so not a food photographer, but here's what it looked like with only a SMALL dollop of the sauce. 

I shoved a piece of chicken with sauce on it in Grease Monkey's mouth as soon as he walked in! LOL!

I would add rosemary potatoes to this and dip those in it, too.

I would do this with beef gyros on a pita. 

I would put it on a turkey sandwich.

Heck, I would dip tortilla chips in it! This will be your new BBQ/Picnic favorite! 

Make it and tell me what you think! 

1 comment:

  1. I marinate the chicken in the avocado puree with lemon juice and some zest. it was great. I did mine with a ceasar salad.

    you can make alot of things dairy free.. my husband is also lactose intolerant.
