
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tast Tuesday-Paleo Pancakes

Hi again! It's that time of the week: Tasty Tuesday.

Today I'm going to share a breakfast recipe. I'm a breakfast NUT! I could eat breakfast foods 3 times a day/7 days a week/365 days a year and be ok with that! Even if I wake up at noon (which never happens) hubs wants a burger and I want eggs and bacon!

So, to force me to be experimental with breakfast and not just eat bacon and eggs this morning I made pancakes.

What's so special about pancakes? Well, my friend these pancakes are dairy free/ grain free/ gluten free and DELICIOUS! :)

4 eggs at room temperature (I buy from a farm)
1 cup coconut milk (I use unsweetened)
2 tsp. vanilla (I used vanillin)
1 Tbsp. honey (My father in law happens to have bees so I get raw honey)
1/2 cup coconut flour (I don't have a side note for this) :)
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp kosher salt
coconut oil for cooking

Beat eggs for 2 minutes. I set a timer because 2 minutes in my head turns into 15 seconds and "That's good enough."
Mix in milk, vanilla and honey.
Combine dry ingredients in a separate larger bowl.
Stir wet ingredients INTO dry ingredients.
Let sit for 5 minutes.

Abby took the sit for 5 literally.

I started at medium heat and made 3 dog pancakes (You know that first one or two or in this case 3 that are burnt on the outside and raw on the inside? I call those dog pancakes.)

I turned the heat down JUST a little bit and it was perfect. 

Use 1/4 cup of batter at a time. Makes about 10 pancakes. I would top with honey or even some kind of nut butter or seed butter. Sunflower butter is popular at my house because Grease Monkey can't have peanuts or almonds. Toss those banana slices on top of that!

Try 'em! Tell me what you think!

1 comment:

  1. gross... you burnt them. sicko, and you want me to follow you? NO WAY JOSE.. You need a tutorial from an experienced chef. I WONDER WHO YOU KNOW THAT DOES THAT?? I am so impressed with your adventurism. Not many folks are like that.
